Indonesia is a developing country looking forward to becoming a developed country, a sovereign state that has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. Up to 2035, Indonesia enjoys demographic bonus where the age of productive people in Indonesia is much larger than non productive age. As the fourth most populous country in the world with total population of Indonesia is 255,182,144, a total of 171,030,112 or about 67% is a resident with a working age ranging between 15-64 years. Indonesia has a potential factor that is not owned by another nation that is a demographic bonus.
This condition benefits the Indonesian economy as economic growth can rise above the average for the next 22 years. If all economic machines work optimally then it is possible to make Indonesia as one of the high income countries. As a country with a large population, of course this condition will bring benefits. Large population means aggregate demand of comsumable things is also large. Inturn the large volume of aggregate demand will create great economic growth. Almost all economic growth in any country, consumption is one of the growth engines. In addition, large population create large scale of economic production, and in turn, with large scale of production, the cost of production can be more competitive.
Looking the demographic posture, the potential to bring indoensia becoming Indonesia into a developed country is feasible, the question is, can large populations and demographic bonuses be optimally utilized?
This large consumption and population lure foreign companies in the world, to open their manufacturing plants in Indonesia. The existence of foreign investment resulted in the creation of employment and the number of productive age population that many could impact on economic growth. The more international companies high tech are coming then te higher skills are needed, and this productive activities will encourage the creation of greater output which will certainly make economic growth even higher
The UN HDI is a statistical measure that gauges a country's level of human development. While there is a strong correlation between having a high HDI score and a prosperous economy, the UN points out that the HDI accounts for more than income or productivity. Unlike GDP per capita or per capita income, the HDI takes into account how income is turned "into education and health opportunities and therefore into higher levels of human development.” Currently Indonesia Human Development Index is 0.689 Rank among nations 113. To become big ten by the year of 2045 we have 27 years time span ahead.
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