The urgency of conservation arises from the need to protect biodiversity, mitigate climate change, maintain ecosystem services, preserve cultural and ethical values, safeguard human health, and fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities. Failure to address these issues can have dire consequences for both the natural world and human society.
the urgency of Ciliwung River fish conservation stems from the need to protect unique and endangered fish species, maintain the health of the river ecosystem, support local livelihoods and food security, ensure water quality, address erosion and climate resilience, preserve cultural and recreational values, and fulfill legal obligations. Timely and comprehensive conservation efforts are essential to address these issues effectively.≈
The Ciliwung River is a very popular river in Indonesian society. Research from LIPI/BRIN in 2010 stated that native species of the Ciliwung River had decreased in numbers by more than 90% or were declared locally extinct in less than a century. Currently there are no more than 20 types of local fish native to the Ciliwung River. It is our obligation to protect the remaining ones so that local extinctions do not occur in the Ciliwung River. For this reason, in commemorating Ciliwung Day 2023 we intend to commemorate it with a series of educational, data collection and conservation activities.
The urgency of Ciliwung River fish conservation specifically pertains to the unique challenges and issues facing the fish species in the Ciliwung River in Indonesia. Here are some reasons why the conservation of fish in the Ciliwung River is particularly urgent:
Endangered Species: Many fish species in the Ciliwung River are endangered or threatened due to habitat destruction, pollution, overfishing, and invasive species. These species may be found nowhere else, making their preservation crucial for global biodiversity.
Ecosystem Health: Fish play a vital role in the health of river ecosystems. They help control insect populations, distribute nutrients, and serve as prey for larger predators. The decline of fish populations can disrupt the balance of these ecosystems.
Local Livelihoods: Fishing is an important source of livelihood for local communities living along the Ciliwung River. The decline of fish populations can have a direct impact on the economic well-being of these communities.
Food Security: Fish from the Ciliwung River may be an important source of food for local communities. The loss of these fish can affect the food security of people who rely on them for nutrition.
Water Quality: Fish are often used as indicators of water quality. Their decline can signal pollution and other environmental problems in the river, which can have implications for both human health and the health of the ecosystem.
Erosion Control: Some fish species in rivers, including the Ciliwung, play a role in controlling erosion by modifying riverbeds and habitats. The decline of these species can exacerbate erosion problems.
Climate Resilience: Healthy river ecosystems, including fish populations, can contribute to the resilience of communities in the face of climate change by providing natural buffers against extreme weather events and flooding.
Cultural and Recreational Value: Fish in the Ciliwung River may hold cultural and recreational value for local communities and tourists. Their decline can lead to the loss of cultural traditions and recreational opportunities.
Legal Obligations: Indonesia has various environmental laws and international agreements that require the conservation of biodiversity, including fish species in its rivers.
Limited Time for Action: The longer conservation efforts are delayed, the harder it becomes to restore fish populations and the river's overall health. Early action is more effective and cost-efficient.
Ciliwung Species
There are 11 species currently is under investigation by TechnnoNatura Students
1. Hampala fish, Hampala macrolepidota
2. Snakehead fish, Channa striata
3. Baung fish, Mystus nemurus
4. Bogo snakehead fish, Channa limbata
5. Jeler fish, Nemacheilus chrysolaimos
6. Benteur fish, Carassius auratus
7. Paray fish, Rasbora argyrotaenia, Rasbora tornieri
8. Local catfish
9. Sili fish, Macrognathus aculeatus
10. Betok fish, Anabas testudineus
11. Betutu fish, Oxyeleotris marmorata
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