Educating Good Character

Islamic Character Building

Character building is an essential aspect of education that helps students develop important qualities such as integrity, empathy, respect, responsibility, and perseverance. These qualities are essential for success in all areas of life, including academic, personal, and professional.​​​​​​​

In schools, character building is crucial because it helps students develop a strong moral and ethical foundation. It enables them to make good decisions, develop healthy relationships, and contribute positively to their communities. Additionally, character building helps to create a positive school culture that fosters a sense of belonging, inclusion, and respect.


There are several ways schools can promote character building. Some strategies include:

  1. Teaching character education explicitly through classes, discussions, and activities
  2. Modeling positive behaviors and attitudes by teachers and staff
  3. Providing opportunities for students to practice empathy, respect, and responsibility through community service projects and volunteer work
  4. Encouraging student leadership and ownership in school-related activities
  5. Using positive reinforcement to recognize and reward positive character traits and behaviors


Overall, character building is a critical aspect of education that helps students become responsible, caring, and ethical individuals who can make a positive impact in their communities and the world.


Meeting the graduate profile of 21st century and the standards becoming the clear destination, we then develop action plan, annual activity in developing curriculum as vehicle to get there, we based on the STEAM education and deploying project based approach in weekly activity.


Character building is extremely paramount for next generation, it is important to infuse social character-building activities into 12 month themes. Rather than putting too much focus on attaining a top set of examination passes, we seek to develop the whole person, and indeed, most important parts of  our education take place outside the classroom for these are the parts of the curriculum that provide the most character- building opportunities.


Aiming to give young people a range of experiences which will both stretch and challenge them.


The experiences that we have when we are young are particularly influential for shaping the adult that we become. That is why TechnoNatura put special attention to develop meaningful experience of character building. Outdoor education plays enormous part to play in our character building. Young people learn more about themselves and about their peers when they are exposed to challenging situations.

Character building experiences take us out of our comfort zones and force us to 'dig deep' to find new resources within ourselves.


By adopting the exemplar of the Prophet Muhammad the role model of Islamic Character, we build 12 monthly themes that focus to trait of character such as Truthfull/Honesty, Steadfastness, Smart Thinking, Trustworthy, Well Communicate, God Conciousness, Positive role model, positive thinking, Just, Plan ahead, bringer Glad tiding, Leadership and Factual Based Decision “


Building Islamic character involves a continuous effort to develop oneself in accordance with Islamic teachings and principles. This is a lifelong process that requires discipline, dedication, and a deep understanding of Islamic values and ethics. Here is TechnNatutra iitiatives   in building Islamic character in a year:

  1. 12 month of characters SIFAT MUHAMMAD
  2. Daily reading of quran and Dhuha Prayers: time to read and study the Quran and Hadith. Attend Islamic classes and lectures. This will help you understand the principles and values of Islam and apply them in your life.
  3. Bazaaar ramadhan for Charity: Make a habit of giving to charity, whether it's through Zakat or Sadaqah. This will help you develop generosity, empathy, and compassion
  4. Practice daily prayers: Make a commitment to pray five times a day regularly. This will help you to develop self-discipline, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with Allah.
  5. Show kindness and compassion: Strive to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving towards others. This includes your family, friends, and those around you. This will help you develop a positive attitude towards others and improve your relationships.
  6. Control your anger: Try to control your anger and avoid getting into arguments or conflicts. This will help you develop self-control and patience.
  7. Be honest and trustworthy: Always be honest and trustworthy in your dealings with others. This will help you develop integrity and earn the respect and trust of others.
  8. Develop good habits: Make a conscious effort to develop good habits such as punctuality, cleanliness, and respect for others. This will help you to become a better person and set a good example for others.

Building Islamic character is a continuous process that requires consistent effort and dedication. It's important to be patient with ourself and to seek guidance from others